
Beauty of jazz is that it reproduces those sounds in ways that speak directly to the heart of the listener as no other music does.


Music is so often noted as a source of inspiration for artists.


President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order on awarding Khanbala Orujov with the higher military rank of major general.


Baku hosted the ceremony of presenting awards to a group of employees, who awarded with the certificates of honour of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) on the Day of Oilmen professional holiday for special services in oil and gas industry.


Azerbaijan will hold the United Nations (UN) week.


The world’s greatest international photography contest is dedicated to adventure and action sports.


"Silk Treasury: Azerbaijani Patterns of the 16th-18th centuries" exhibition opened in the Azerbaijan National Art Museum on October 18.


The rule of law is developing in Azerbaijan, the country’s statehood is being strengthened, and successful reforms are constantly held in the governance system, the country’s MP Musa Guliyev told.


In recent years, sea cruises have gained increasing popularity among tourists from all over the world.


President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received First Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubıv.


President Ilham Aliyev met with First Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri in Istanbul.


Electrical circuit load capacity in Azerbaijan since establishment of "Azərişıq" OJSC in early 2015 will increase from 9 500 MVA and reach 12,000 MVA by the year end.


President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Turkey at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan to attend the Istanbul-hosted D-8 Summit as a special guest.


This year Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) has become the first among national higher educational institutions for many indicators including number of first-year students who obtained the best score at the entrance exams.


2018 state budget in Azerbaijan envisages allocation of 250 mln AZN to meet the population's demand for housing, acquiring subsidized housing and social mortgage.


The FIFA Executive Soccer Summit will be held in Baku.


A member of the parliament of the Canadian province of Ontario, Nathalie Des Rosiers congratulated Azerbaijan on the Independence Day while speaking to the provincial legislature.


Weather forecast for tomorrow in Azerbaijan was announced.


Azerbaijan might stay out of 2018 Winter Olympics.


In January-September, Azerbaijan has imported 6 643 units of cars for various purposes.