
Cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Netherlands is at a high level, Dutch ambassador to Azerbaijan Onno Kervers said during a briefing on Feb. 20.


Two more meetings will be held in Champions League 1/8 finals.


“In Western circles, Azerbaijan is geopolitically an increasingly important state, one with a vital role as an energy supplier and as the key hub along the largely Azerbaijan-conceived and built, “New Silk Road” that facilitates growing trade between China and Europe and beyond.


Azerbaijan plays an important role in ensuring the energy security of the Czech Republic, Czech ambassador to Azerbaijan Vitezslav Pivonka said.


An exhibition “With love to Azerbaijan”, which showcased the works of the children from My Way Development Center, took place at Khatai Art Center in Baku on February 16.


The weather forecast for tomorrow in Azerbaijan has been announced.


Professional Football League has made some changes in the calendar of the 2017/2018 season.


From February 25 to March 6 German-Azerbaijani cultural center "Kapellhaus" in Baku will host exhibition of the famous German photographer Sven Marquardt, dedicated to the Berlin’s nightlife.


Today, thanks to joint efforts between the United States and Azerbaijan, residents of the village of Gelme in the district of Zardab celebrated the completion of a feed and seed-grinding center that allows the people of Gelme to make their own affordable animal feed for their cows and poultry.


Student of Baku Higher Oil School(BHOS) became a winner of 10th XGrant competition of the Youth Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan Republic.


The second Finance and Investment Forum (FIF 2018) will be held in Baku on May 5.


Toivo Klaar, the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia has arrived in Azerbaijan.


On February 18, WoWoman Azerbaijan held its 3rd-anniversary celebration.


Actual weather observed in Azerbaijan from February 18 afternoon till February 19 morning was disclosed.


Turkmen president Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the structure of Turkmen part of Turkmen-Azerbaijan intergovernmental commission on economical cooperation.


Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) hosted the PetroBowl Azerbaijan Championship of the national chapter of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Nine teams from BHOS and other universities attended the championship.


Azerbaijan’s postal operator Azerpost LLC intends to create its own e-commerce platform, the company told.


The 150th goal was recorded in the Azerbaijan Premier League (APL) in 2017/2018 season.


"At present, the average age of people has increased in Azerbaijan.


Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has today signed an order appointing Gasim Aliyev as chairman of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.

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