
Caviar phones, a Russian-Italian company specializing in bespoke iPhones, have designed a new model inspired by Azerbaijan.


A plant on float glass output is being built in Azerbaijan, said the press service of the country’s Economy Ministry said on October 15.


After Azerbaijan Teachers’ Institute was merged with Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, about 200 employees of the Institute are already employed at the university.


Advisor to the General Director of Baku International Sea Trade Port Tural Aliyev participated in the Eurasia multimodal logistics -International Trans-Caspian conference in Bucharest, Romania.


A conference on the 25th anniversary of the restoration of Azerbaijan’s state independence has been held in Baku.


Azerbaijani karate fighters have brought home five medals, including two golds form World Karate Championships held in Burgas, Bulgaria.


Maximum speed limit in Baku was lowered as a measure taken against heavy rains.


Azerbaijan and Pakistan should create a joint commerce and industry chamber to boost bilateral trade and investment, said Ahmad Jawad, chairman of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s (FPCCI) Standing Committee on Horticulture Exports.


U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez from California has signed a special proclamation congratulating the Republic of Azerbaijan on the 25th anniversary of its Independence Day, Azerbaijan’s Consulate General in Los Angeles.


Azerbaijan’s Consul General in Los Angeles hosted a special gathering with Hispanic and Asian American Christian faith leaders on October 13.


British Anglo-Asian Mining Plc., which is engaged in gold, silver and copper production in Azerbaijan, has received a new license for gold exploration in a new source in "Gadabay" deposit.


An international Ceramics Duet Symposium is scheduled to kick off at Azerbaijan Ceramics Center on October 20.


An official reception has been held at the Heydar Aliyev Center to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the state independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


US online weekly newspaper Jewish Journal has posted an article by Milikh Yevdayev, head of the Community of Azerbaijan’s Mountain Jews, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan’s independence celebrated on October 18.


One of the many reasons Baku is the place to be this autumn is the Traditional Honey Fair, where the sweetest honey varieties displayed.


The 30th volume of "Ilham Aliyev. Development is our goal" multivolume book has been published in Baku.


"Certain facilities and parts, used in railways can be produced in Azerbaijan."


Baku Chamber Orchestra gave concerts in the major cities of Germany.


The East and the West musical traditions will be jointly sounded at one of the most gorgeous music venues in Baku.


Samad Vurgun was one of the great poets and play-writers of the Azerbaijani literature. He philosophically perceived the mysterious beauty of the country’s nature, the history of heroism of Azerbaijani people, our humanist values and reflected them in his poems and epics with a special romantic significance.