
ADA University will host an event on the occasion of Portuguese Ambassador to Baku, Paula Silva’s presenting her credentials to the country’s president on March 30.


“More than 200,000 new jobs will be created in the cotton-growing industry in Azerbaijan this year”.


President Ilham Aliyev has today attended the inauguration of a 100-seat orphanage-kindergarten in Saatli, whose construction was initiated by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.


President Ilham Aliyev has today attended the opening of newly renovated Saatli-Sarijalar-Gara Nuru-Shirinbayli-Fatalikand-Azadkand highway.


A conference on the development of cotton-growing held in Saatli.


The Cabinet of Ministers has defined a new responsibility for officials.


Azerbaijan’s talented jazz pianist Elchin Shirinov has delighted his fans with new song.


A new director has been appointed to the Scientific-Research Institute of Lung Diseases of the Ministry of Health. named after Vali Akhundov.


Azercell Telecom LLC has set up Barama Media Center for students in cooperation with Baku State University.


Francophonie Weeks in Baku will kick off on March 30.


Amount of the penalty increased for illegal obtaining of official documents, giving rights or releasing from obligations, as well as state award of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova intend to create a free trade zone by the year end on the principles and rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO).


30 pardon orders have been signed in Azerbaijan in the last 14 years.


On March 31, at 10:00, "Silkway Insurance" OJSC will hold next general meeting of its shareholders.


The City of Winds is preparing for a welcome of famous Russian band at a grand summer event.


Diana Hajiyeva, an alternative artist from the Land of Fire, will try to repeat success of Azerbaijani duo Ell and Niki with her song ‘Skeletons’ at Eurovision 2017.


Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Saatli region for a visit on March 28.


Azerbaijan, a South Caucasus country located at the junction of the two world civilizations, is becoming one of the popular tourist destinations of the region.


Azerbaijan is an important strategic partner of Ukraine, said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko as he met with heads of delegations of the Summit of the heads of government of the member-states of the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development in Kiev on March 27.


President Ilham Aliyev has attended a ceremony to launch water supply systems in the city of Saatli.