
The dialogue between cultures and civilizations is the main condition for peace.


Within the framework of ADB Board of Director's 50th annual meeting in Yokohama, Japan, loan agreement worth $ 500 mln was signed between Azerbaijan’s "Southern Gas Corridor" CJSC and Asian Development Bank (ADB) in order to support development of ”Shah Deniz" gas-condensate field.


The issuing of diplomatic passports may be issued to the managing staff of the Presidential Administration and Special Medical Service of the President.


Kiev hosted the opening of the 62nd international song contest Eurovision 2017. Report informs, during the opening ceremony, representatives from 42 countries marched along the red carpet of record length - 265 m, located on Constitution Square and the alley near the Mariinsky Palace.


The closing ceremony of the IV World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue on the topic "Development of intercultural dialogue: NewAvenues for Human Security,Peace and Sustainable Development”" was held in Baku.


Logo of 4TH Islamic Solidarity Games has been depicted in Ganja.


A memorandum of understanding was signed today between the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications (IITKL) of Azerbaijan and the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture on recognizing Azerbaijan as a digital trade hub.


Clients of Azer Turk Bank will be able to make loan payments and cash deposits to their card accounts through MilliÖn payment terminals.


Football competitions start on Monday within the framework of the IV Islamic Solidarity Games.


A farewell ceremony has been held at Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) for outstanding chemist, academician, ScD in Chemistry, professor, Merited Scientist Rafiga Aliyeva.


Twenty-five years have passed since the occupation of Azerbaijan's Shusha city by Armenia.


Foreign investors are ready to issue manat loans to the microfinance organizations operating in Azerbaijan, Suleyman Kalyashev, chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Micro-Finance Association (AMFA), told.


Concert of the Oslo Chamber Music Academy will be held on May 16 at the Baku Academy of Music.


Weather forecast for tomorrow in Azerbaijan was announced.


“The dancing millionaire", Gianluca Vacchi, was a special guest of the first Baku Shopping Festival.


Baku continues to capture attention of travelers by taking top places in the travel rankings.


Astara tea is ready to be exported abroad under the brand "Made in Azerbaijan".


Official opening ceremony of the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue is being held in Baku, entitled "Development of intercultural dialogue: new opportunities for human security, peace and sustainable development" with the assistance of UNESCO, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the United Nations World Tourism Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and ISESCO.


A traffic ban on special lanes in Baku due to the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games comes into force on May 5.


Ministry of Economy disclosed results of the open tender held related to the project “Support to Management of Special Economic Zones” within framework of the “Grant Program for Support to Regional Development”.