
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree to establish the Sabirabad Industrial Zone Nov 27.


The telecommunication market of Azerbaijan is ready for the transition to the fifth generation mobile communication standard 5G, Vice President of ZTE Yang Jun told.


Azerbaijan's Embassy in Malaysia participated in the Kuala Lumpur International Craft Festival on November 23-26.


Costa Rica's Foreign Minister Manuel Gonzalez Sanz will visit Azerbaijan on Nov. 28-29, the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said in a message Nov. 27.


"Ali and Nino" movie has been shown in Vilnius, Lithuania.The screening took place in the cinema hall of the National Library.


Azerbaijani scientists together with their European counterparts in Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory began to carry out spectral observations of a new star exploded three months ago.


The founding congress of Azerbaijan's new diaspora organization in Russia will be held in February.


Italian club Roma, which is in the same Champions League group with Qarabag, wants to transfer player of Manchester United, Matteo Darmian.


British Minister of State at Department for International Trade Rona Alison Fairhead will pay visit to Azerbaijan.


BP on behalf of its co-ventures in the projects that it operates - the Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli, Shah Deniz, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil export pipeline and the South Caucasus Pipeline projects, has announced the results of the project “Agricultural Vocational Education: Development of New Occupations” launched in partnership with the Ministry of Education in September 2016. 


The number of solar eclipses in Azerbaijan in 2018 was announced.


Opening ceremony of the Millers Oils Azerbaijan LLC production complex, jointly established by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and British Millers Oils Ltd., has been held at ANAS High Tech Park ("YT Park") today.


"Passenger transportation via Baku-Tbilisi-Kars (BTK) railway will begin next year".


Baku Judo Championship among men and women has today started at the Serhedchi Olympic Sports Complex.


The New Year is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year on the whole planet, it brings new opportunities, plans and achievements.


A concert "Duet of stars" has taken place in the Heydar Aliyev Palace.


An exhibition of Moldovan artists Ion and Julia Carchelan opened in Art Tower Gallery on November 22.


A delegation led by Assistant of Azerbaijan's First Vice President, Executive Director of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Anar Alakbarov discussed prospects of cooperation with a number of organizations in China’s capital, Beijing.


American mugham singer Jeffrey Werbock will give a concert in London.


International Mugham Center has hosted another concert within "Mugham and spirituality" project.