Tech billionaire Larry Page wears his Google Glass at the altar during brother-in-law's glitzy wedding in Croatia - PHOTO

While most brides fret about being upstaged by glamorous bridesmaids on their wedding day, spare a thought for this wife-to-be who had to compete with one of the tech world's best-known billionaires showing off his latest gadget at the altar.

Google co-founder Larry Page was seen last Friday showing off the company's high-tech specs at the wedding of his brother-in-law McLain Southworth to Yasemin Denari in the town square of Motovun in Croatia.

The tech tycoon wore his Google Glass as he stood in a line of groomsmen at the altar, fiddling with the eye-piece as the ceremony took place.

All eyes on you: Google co-founder and groomsman Larry Page accompanies a bridesmaid down the aisle at his brother's wedding in Croatia

All eyes on you: Google co-founder and groomsman Larry Page accompanies a bridesmaid down the aisle at his brother's wedding in Croatia

Romantic break: Larry Page and his wife Lucinda Southworth walk the cobbled streets of Motovun to his brother's wedding ceremony

Romantic break: Larry Page and his wife Lucinda Southworth walk the cobbled streets of Motovun to his brother's wedding ceremony

Romantic break: Larry Page and his wife Lucinda Southworth walk the cobbled streets of Motovun to his brother's wedding ceremony

Clip ons? It apepared the sunglasses he wore enroute to the ceremony may have been UV clip-on protection attached to his trademark specs

Attention-grabber: Larry Page shows off his innovative Google Glass, not yet on the market, while standing at the altar at his brother-in-law's wedding

Attention-grabber: Larry Page shows off his innovative Google Glass, not yet on the market, while standing at the altar at his brother-in-law's wedding

Page, 40, looked like he was having a great time with his high-tech toy - which allows the user to snap pictures with just a wink.

The gadget, which is not yet on the market, appeared to be attracting plenty of attention from wedding guests.

The city's two main squares were closed on July 12 as hundreds of guests watched as the stunning Miss Denari married Mr Southworth. The newlyweds had spent several days sightseeing in the city prior to their big day. 

The Google CEO and his wife Lucinda, who married in 2007 on Richard Brain's Necker Island, have been staying at the secluded Villa Vela in Buzet after arriving by private jet.

The Google billionaire skipped the annual tech conference in Sun Valley, Idaho to attend his brother-in-law's wedding. 

Here's looking at you: Townspeople in Motovun stare at billionaire Larry Page and his glamorous wife as they stroll to her brother's wedding

Here's looking at you: Townspeople in Motovun stare at billionaire Larry Page and his glamorous wife as they stroll to her brother's wedding with their arms wrapped around each other

The happy couple: Yasemin Denari and McLain Southworth are snapped by photographers as guests toss confetti at the ceremony

The happy couple: Yasemin Denari and McLain Southworth are snapped by photographers as guests toss confetti at the ceremony

Capturing the moment: Larry didn't miss a beat at the ceremony as he wore his Google Glass which has a built-in video camera

Capturing the moment: Larry didn't miss a beat escorting comely bridesmaids at the ceremony as he wore his Google Glass which has a built-in video camera

The four-day gathering attracts some 300 of the wealthiest and most powerful executives in media, finance, politics and technology and has a history of launching landmark media deals.

Guests who attended billionaire-studded convention last week included Bob Iger, the CEO of Walt Disney Co., Les Moonves, the CEO of CBS Corp. and Barry Diller, the chairman of IAC/InterActive Corp., with his wife, the designer Diane von Furstenberg.

On the tech side, Facebook Inc founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg was spotted at a dinner to kick off the conference shaking hands and chatting with Eric Schmidt and Nikesh Arora of Google.

Despite not joining his colleagues, Page did not waste the chance to gain more publicity for Google Glass during the glitzy wedding held in the town's public square.

Distraction: Page talks to a wedding guest from behind his Google Glass

Distraction: Page talks to a wedding guest from behind his Google Glass

Say cheese! Page was the unofficial wedding photographer, giving him the perfect opportunity to show that Google Glass is perfect for any occasion

Say cheese! Page was the unofficial wedding photographer, giving him the perfect opportunity to show that Google Glass is perfect for any occasion

Gotcha! Page was sure to capture the moment wedding guests used put up their white paper umbrellas at the sun-dappled do

Gotcha! Page was sure to capture the moment wedding guests used put up their white paper umbrellas at the sun-dappled do

Google Glass, which could be on sale this Christmas for around $1,500, has become the latest 'must-have' tech gadget.

The frames, made from titanium and plastic, allow users to take photos, film video and, of course, make Google searches with the information popping up in their line of vision via a Wi-Fi connection.

In May, Congressmen wrote to Larry Page to ask what steps Google was taking to protect the privacy of non-users. Google reassured government officials that they were carefully considering the 'new issues' the glasses might raise.

Perhaps how to deal with an irate bride might be one of them.

At least during one reading of the ceremony, Page, far right, removed the specs