Number of individual entrepreneurs engaged in financial activity in Azerbaijan up 17%

The number of individual entrepreneurs engaged in financial and insurance activity in Azerbaijan increased by 16.7% in annual comparison and reached 1,719 as of January 1, 2018.

0.2% of individual entrepreneurs registered in the country to the reporting date covered people engaged in the financial activity.

Notably, the number of individual entrepreneurs registered for entrepreneurial activity without creation of a legal entity made 795,000 at the end of last year. 222,853 individual entrepreneurs or 28.1% were engaged in agriculture, forestry and fishing, 201,121 or 25.3% in trade and repair of vehicles. The main part of individual entrepreneurs intending to engage in entrepreneurship was registered in Baku (29.6%), Aran (20.9%), Ganja-Qazakh (14.0%) and Lankaran (10.1%) economic regions.