Azerbaijani director wins prize of prestigious film festival

The documentary film The Platzcard (sleeping car) directed by Rodion Ismayilov won the main prize for the best documentary film at the Austrian film festival "DER NEUE HEIMATFILM" ("New cinema about the Motherland").
At the film festival, which was held on August 23-27 in the Austrian city of Freistadt, documentaries and movies are traditionally demonstrated. This year the best documentary film was recognized as "Platskart" by the Russian director of Azerbaijani origin Rodion Ismayilov.
According to Rodion Ismayilov, the film is completely filmed on the Moscow-Vladivostok train and shows the multinationality and "polyphony" of Russian citizens.
"This is the first big prize that our film received. It's very nice when your work can be appreciated in Europe or other parts of the world", he said.
In parallel with the Austrian festival, the film was also shown at festivals in Serbia and the Netherlands.