Baku Higher Oil School teacher is Best Student of the Year at institute in Portugal

Senior research assistant of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) Rima Guliyeva is recognized as the best student of the Chemical Engineering department at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) and her name is included in the Honor Student list of this European higher educational institution. Recently, she has received a diploma confirming her title of the best student of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança.
Rima graduated from a secondary school N35 in Baku. In 2000, she earned high score at the entrance exams and became a student of the Department of Chemistry of Baku State University. In 2014, having earned high score, she was admitted to master program of Chemistry Department at Qafqaz University in the specialty of Chemistry and Technology of Fundamental Organic Synthesis. Then Rima continued pursuing her Master degree at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança in Portugal and graduated with distinction.
“It took me ten years after receiving my bachelor degree to make a decision to start a new stage in my life. And this step was just a beginning of my following success. I am very proud of obtaining my Master degree in Portugal, but studying was not the only reason my going abroad. I wanted to learn more about foreign system of education and its advantages, and to understand its difference from our national educational system. I also wanted to share my experience and new knowledge back in my country. Apart from that, I actively participated in various international events and meetings arranged by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança and did my best to inform people about rich history and culture of Azerbaijan, our national traditions and the country current achievements,” says Rima Guliyeva.
Rima says that she has managed to achieve her goals at Baku Higher Oil School. In her words, BHOS provides young professionals with great opportunities for their scientific and teaching activities.