Dates of admission and final exams announced

Schedules of admission exams to higher and secondary special education schools of the country as well as final exams have been announced.
It was informed in the press service of the State Examination Center (SEC), admission exams for II and III specialty groups of universities will be held on July 14, for I and IV groups on July 22.
Final examinations for students of secondary (9 years) and high (11 years) general education schools will be held on June 17, 23, 30 of 2017 in accordance with below schedule.

DateCity (district)
17.06.2017Baku, Sumgait, Absheron, Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic
23.06.2017Lənkaran, Astara, Masalli, Lerik, Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad, Agjabedi, Xojavend, Fizuli, Beyləgan, Ganja, Goygol, Samukh, Naftalan, Goranboy, Dashkesen, Shaki, Oguz, Mingachevir, Goychay, Agdaş, Ujar, Ismayilli, Khachmaz, Shabran, Siyazan, Khizi
30.06.2017Shamkir, Gadabay, Agstafa, Gazax, Tovuz, Gabala, Balakan, Zagatala, Gakh, Yardimli, Jalilabad, Bilasuvar, Shirvan, Salyan, Neftchala, Hajigabul, Agdam, Yevlakh, Barda, Terter, Agsu, Zerdab, Shamakhi, Gobustan, Kurdamir, Gusar, Guba

According to information provided by SEC, the children of internally displaced families will attend exams in the cities (districts), where their school is located, in accordance with above table.
The examination of students of special schools located in Baku – boarding schools, school located in Chilov Island, prison schools – will be held on June 30.

The examination of applicants to the V specialty group, as well as graduates of previous years with high school certificates desiring to be admitted to secondary special schools and persons attended external final assessment will be held on July 5.
Notably, graduates of current year participate in the contest for V specialty group and secondary special schools based on results of final exams.

The examination of students of special schools located in Baku – boarding schools, school located in Chilov Island, prison schools – will be held on June 30.