Another wind power plant ready in Azerbaijan

"In coming days solar power plants will be connected to the network”.
Chairman of the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources (SAARES) Akim Badalov said.
According to A. Badalov, wind power station “Yeni Yashma” is ready: “With capacity of 50 MW, "New Yashma" wind power plant worked in a test mode for over 1 000 hours and now it is ready to join the network”.
Chairman of the agency said that feasibility study of Pirallahi project nears completion: “At present, with Chinese we are about to complete a feasibility study of the project with power of 200 MW. We hope that the plant will produce about 1 bln. kW/h energy a year, which is equal to 250 mln cum gas.
This will help to increase gas exports and reduce the volume of gas released into the atmosphere."