Today marks the World Health Day

Today, marks World Health Day.
In 1948, the First World Health Assembly has put forward an initiative to establish World Health Day for marking World Health Organization's founding.
April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day, since taking effect in 1950. With the support of the Ministry of Health and WHO, Azerbaijan also plans to host range of events, dedicated to World Health Day.
Ibrahim Afandiyev, Therapist at the Educational and Therapeutic Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University told Report necessary factor to a healthy lifestyle: "Health is in your own hands. Therefore, lifestyle, nutrition, attitude towards environment as well control over nervous system should be paid special attention even after certain age. People should go twice a year for checkups for health protection. Examination of cardio-vascular system, respiratory and digestive system should be prioritized".
According to him, mobility should be paid special attention: "Technology contributed to increase of sedentary lifestyle in recent years".