The legend monster of Labynkyr

The lake Labynkyr is legend reservoir in Oymyakonsky district in the east of Yakutia.

According to the legend there is a huge animal of relic origin. The lake is situated on the height of 1020 meters above the sea level, it is stretched from the north to the south for 14 km, the breadth of reservoir is almost the same everywhere for 4 km, and the depth is about 60 meters.

This lake is rarely visited by people and the nearest settlement is Tomtor. It is located from the lake for 105 km to the north.

The inhabitants of Tomtor consider that creature called “the monster” exists in the lake from the ancient times and behaves itself rather aggressively. They say it chased on Yakut fisherman. Once it swallowed a dog.

The descriptions of “the monster” are the same, it is described like a huge, dark grey colour creature with a big head and that it has distance between eyes less than traditional local raft from ten logs.

The information about these giant sizes are confirmed by local man Petr Vinokurov who accidentally look a jawbone of animal with teeth, the bone was so huge that “if someone puts it upright a horseman would ride under it.

To compare this lake with other lakes inhabited with big monsters, Labynkyr is covered with ice.

They say some people saw big steps on the ice. According to the legend the monster is very dangerous, it can attack people and animals.