Azerbaijan launches web portal for goods export

Presentation of www.azexport .az portal, aimed at supporting export of Azerbaijani goods, developed by Center of Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Center, was held in Baku today.
The Chairman of the Center Vusal Gasimli, President of Azersun Holding Abdulbari Gozal, President of American Trade Chamber in Azerbaijan (AmCham) Ilgar Veliyev, lawmaker Ziyad Samadzade and other persons attended the event hosted by ADA University. V. Gasimli told that the portal has been integrated with most prominent trade networks of the world.
Portal’s manager Zaur Gardashov told that, while developing the portal, they talked with about 20 logistics companies operating in Azerbaijan and received their approval. According to him the portal provides uninterrupted service to customers: “We provide 24/7 service to our customers through various communication means. We also offer translation service to some entrepreneurs, especially those from rural regions. If communication problem between buyer and seller occurs, we provide translation service via Skype program integrated with the website”.
Notably, internet resource has been developed in conformity with Order on “Development of single database of goods produced in Azerbaijan” of President Ilham Aliyev, dated September 21, 2016. The portal is an advantageous platform to provide information on Azerbaijani goods and to sell them in national and international markets.