Azerbaijani population up by 88 200 people

Demographic situation in Azerbaijan was announced.
From beginning of 2016, country's population increased by 88 200 people or 0.9% and made 9 793 800 people to November 1, 2016. The population density made 113 people per square km.
53.1% of the population are city residents, 46.9% rural, as well 49.8% men, 50.2% women. 1007 women fall per 1000 men.
In January-October 2016, district (city) registration departments of the Ministry of Justice registered 133 300 newborns across the country, or average 437 every day. This figure makes 16.5 per 1000 people. 53.3% of newborns are boys, 46.7 girls. This year 2306 twins, 57 triplets were born.