President Ilham Aliyev will be given an International Prize in nomination “Reformer of the year”

More than 200 delegates from 15 countries around the globehave been registered to take part in the 4th International Caspian Energy Forum-2016 to be hosted on December 7, 2016 in Baku.

The Caspian Energy Forum 2016 will be attended by heads of government institutions, ministries, committees and agencies of Azerbaijan, the countries of the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic regions, representatives of diplomatic missions, missions of international organizations accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as executives of large international companies.
The Forum will include three sessions, First Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) Telman Aliyev said.
The first session entitled “Economic reforms - 2016. First results” will cover such topics as “Prospects for the development of economy in the time of crisis in the world markets, economic reforms”, “Measures of encouraging the private sector and the development of export-oriented industries”.
The second session entitled “Key projects. Investment attractiveness of the energy sector of Azerbaijan” will include the following reports: “Main fields of the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. The first exploration results at the promising areas”, “Main export-oriented projects in the downstream sector”, “Renewable energy projects, wind farms, solar thermal stations, geothermal energy and hydropower”.
The following reports will be considered within the framework of the third session entitled “Shift from feedstock-based to an export-oriented development”: “Development of industrial parks, investment prospects of the Azerbaijani economy”, “Tax credit measures”, “Development of small and medium businesses in Azerbaijan is the basis of the competitive economy”, “Agreement about strategic partnership of Azerbaijan and EU – institutional prospects of cooperation, principles of WTO in Azerbaijan”, “Financial stability is the basis of investment potential of major economic sectors”, “Competitiveness of the banking sector, basis of the open economy”, “Major transportation projects North-South, One belt – one route – Great Silk Way, development stages”, “Junctions, hubs, tariff policy, perspective cargo flows between Peking and London”, “Launch of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, prospects of the project”.
The program of the event provides additional opportunities for working and communication of participants during coffee-breaks and business lunch.
Within the framework of the 4th international Caspian Energy Forum – 2016 President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of the Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) Mr. Ilham Aliyev will be given an International Prize “Caspian Energy Award” in the nomination “Reformer of the year”.
Following on from the results of the internet-poll held in 50 countries of the world (readership of Caspian Energy), international prize “Caspian Energy Award” is given to political figures, government officials, heads of diplomatic missions, government-owned and private companies for contribution to the development of the economy of the Caspian-Black Sea and Baltic region states. International prize “Caspian Energy Award” is held under support of the Caspian European Club (Caspian Business Club) and Caspian Energy International Media Group.