Ambassador of Romania departed from Azerbaijan

Ambassador of Romania to Azerbaijan Daniel Cristian Ciobanu completed his diplomatic mission and left Baku, it was informed by the embassy of Romania.
D.C.Ciobanu said, that the results achieved during his diplomatic term are very positive: "These are expansion of political dialogue through joint visits, intensified cooperation at the level of the two countries’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs, growth of the bilateral trade, strong growth of Azerbaijani investments in Romania, consolidated bilateral cooperation in the fields of energy and transport, diversified bilateral relations in the cultural field, successful fulfillment by the Romanian Embassy of the tasks of NATO Contact Point Embassy in Azerbaijan".
He mentioned that under ambassador’s leadership Romanian diplomatic mission in Baku performed most part of the 2nd mandate as NATO Contact Point Embassy, the whole 3rd mandate and almost entire 4th mandate: "It’s the only current case of such a long involvement of a country as a NATO Contact Point Embassy and a clear indicator of trust and of the excellent level of Romania-Azerbaijan relations".
At the end of his diplomatic term Ambassador Ciobanu thanked Azerbaijani authorities for their permanent support during his mission. Ambassador of Romania expressed also his deep gratitude to Azerbaijani journalists for their high professionalism and readiness to disseminate information related to Romania and NATO.