Ministry: Appeals on violation of labor rights by employers in hot weather not received

Over the past three days, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) have not received statements regarding failure to comply with legal requirements by employers in hot weather conditions.

As reported in response to a request by Report in the Department of Public Relations of MLSP, the State Labour Inspection Service under the Ministry appealed to employers and advised to comply with the law in case of hot weather above 41 C in order to protect the health of workers.

Notably, the State Labour Inspectorate Service under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection appealed to employers. The appeal says that, according to the 233rd article of the Labor Code, with an air temperature above 41 C in the open air or in closed rooms without cooling systems any work suspended. In such cases, workers must be given breaks, the amount and timing of which are determined by joint decision of the employers and the trade union organization.
In recent days, the air temperature in Azerbaijan exceeded 41 C.