Gabala hosts seminar on flood management, reduction of impacts of complications and damages

A seminar and workshop on “Flood Management, reduction of impacts of complications and damages to people” was held at Qafqaz Sport Hotel in Gabala in the framework of our flood management project, It was told in the UN office to Baku.

The seminar has provided the participants with an overview of flood management systems and information on the means of adaptation to reduce the flood impacts. Round tables will be formed to identify how the new systems might be applied in the local context. The seminar also included a presentation on emergency response tool kits for community-based early warning systems.

Representatives of regional executive power and UNDP, delegates from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Agriculture, State Water Resources Agency, Amelioration OJSC, AzerSU OJSC, local communities, international and local experts participated at the seminar.

These seminars were organized in the framework of the “Integrating Climate Change Risks into Water and Flood Management” Projectjointly impelemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP.

The main goal of the project is to prevent and minimize the damages caused by floods and mudflows in Azerbaijan through assisting the key local institutions in development of necessary capacities, increasing participation of the local population in decision-making processes, as well as working with the government on legal reform in the water usage area.