Azerbaijan preparing files for inclusion of dolma cooking traditions in UNESCO list

Azerbaijan is preparing files for inclusion in the UNESCO list the dolma cooking traditions of the Turkic world, Azerbaijan's Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Garayev said on May 4.

He made the remarks at the event on 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan's National Culinary Center.

The minister said it is no secret that the Azerbaijani culture is also oppressed by the notorious neighbors.

“Our notorious neighbors are conducting aggressive policy not only against Azerbaijani territories, but also culture. Azerbaijani cuisine is also affected by this aggression,” Garayev noted.

He recalled that last year, Armenia tried to appropriate lavash that is used in entire East.

“They tried to include lavash into the UNESCO list as their national non-material heritage. Isn’t it an aggression?! Azerbaijani government, officials and diplomats from other countries proved that lavash is used by everyone,” he added.