Booklet on Azerbaijan published in Los Angeles

Supported by Azerbaijan’s Consulate General, a booklet on Azerbaijan was published in Los Angeles. It was told in the Azerbaijani Consulate General in Los Angeles.
Titled “Azerbaijan: Land of Hope, Tolerance and Inspiration,” the booklet contains information about Azerbaijan’s history, rich musical and cultural heritage, long-standing traditions of multiculturalism and interfaith tolerance, economic opportunities, energy strategy and diplomacy, as well as tourism potential. The publication highlights the development and remarkable achievements of Azerbaijan as an independent nation under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, and informs the readers about the important role the country plays in the energy security of Europe, United States and Israel. In this regard, it mentions the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline as well as the Southern Gas Corridor, which will benefit both the producing, transit and consuming countries.
Highlighting the rich cultural heritage of Azerbaijan with concrete facts, the publication stresses the substantial contributions by Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva - Azerbaijan’s First Lady and the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation - to the promotion and protection of the Azerbaijani culture in the world.
The booklet also speaks of the illegal military occupation and brutal ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territory by Armenia.
Speaking of the special importance attached by the Government to education and social innovations, the publication mentions the construction since 2004 of more than 3,000 new schools, the “Study Abroad” program, as well as notes the successful work of the ADA University, which is considered the most modern and innovative university in the entire region. Also mentioned is the unique experience of the ASAN Service centers, which provide public and private services from one single space, thus substantially reducing red tape and increasing transparency in government services.
The Consulate General plans to send the booklet to members of U.S. Congress, state officials in Western U.S., public figures, business circles, mass media, as well as academic research centers and universities.