Baku hosts presentation on Indonesian tourism opportunities

Baku hosted a presentation on tourism opportunities of Indonesia at the residence of the ambassador of Indonesia.

The event attended by Deputy Assistant for Industry, Trade, Tourism and Creative Economy Muchammad Zulkarnain, as well as members of the delegation participating in the International Tourism Exhibition in Azerbaijan, the AITF-2016.

Indonesian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Husnan Vanani said that his country attaches great importance to the participation in this exhibition, in connection with which the President and Vice-President of Indonesia sent a special delegation to it.

The ambassador also spoke about the tourism potential of the country, noting that Indonesia consists of 17,500 islands, each of which has its own peculiarity and beauty.

"Indonesia has unique flora and fauna, the underwater world, Indonesia is different from other countries.Indonesia welcomes its guests with a smile and accompanies a smile", said H. Fanani.

Then it a video about tourism in Indonesia was presented.