Today's daily horoscope for Monday 29 February 2016

Today's daily horoscope for Monday 29 February 2016
A favorable aspect between Mercury and Jupiter on February 29, 2016 may result in perspective acquaintances and making new friends. This is a wonderful time for communication – mutual understanding between people will noticeably increase and there will be more common topics to discuss.

Aries today horoscope 29 FebruaryAries Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
At the start of the day the Rams will have time to complete their current tasks, enjoy their achievements and develop/strengthen interesting useful contacts. It would also be beneficial for you to pay attention to the household issues and the general shape of your organism.

Taurus today horoscope 29 FebruaryTaurus Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
Social or professional work that implies activeness, enthusiasm, decisiveness and innovation will be the most effective in the first half of the day. You will be able to focus on your personal problems especially the household issues, your health condition and family relations only in the second half of the day.

Gemini today horoscope 29 FebruaryGemini Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
In the first half of the day the Twins will be characterized by their mobility, entrepreneurism, open-mindedness and curiosity about various active experiments. However, you’ve already missed out on a favorable moment to act on your new undertakings.

Cancer today horoscope 29 FebruaryCancer Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
Try to use your enthusiasm to the maximum in the first half of this Monday – don’t let it cool off before it is time. This will allow you to finalize some of your current projects, confirm your achievements, thoroughly analyze your recent actions and ponder their meaning.

Leo today horoscope 29 FebruaryLeo Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
In the morning the overall emotional background will remain familiarly favorable for the Lions. However, your chances for success and another bright victory are going down which, it goes without saying, is not your fault at all. Since you will hardly be content sitting idle, stars suggest you focus your energy on your current tasks in the 1st half of the day; in the evening a material side of life will gain more prominence.

Virgo today horoscope 29 FebruaryVirgo Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
Libra will be haunted by its desire to risk and actively promote its idea or its interests all morning long. However, your psychological reserves for such ambitious undertakings are gradually depleting. By the evening you will have been ready to completely forget about your passionate aspirations and switch your focus to more reliable and practical undertakings.

Libra today horoscope 29 FebruaryLibra Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
In the morning you should not try to restore your community’s fighting spirits to their past levels; people themselves should show desire to continue with their yesterday victories and achievements. Activeness now is fraught with wasting energy. In the second half of the day joint financial projects are becoming more important.

Scorpio today horoscope 29 FebruaryScorpio Daily Horoscope for Today 29 February 2016:
Do some uncomplicated tasks and household/professional tasks in the morning. You’ll have enough energy to organize your documentation or tools, but you may lack enthusiasm to be able to maintain the past intense active work regime on February 29, 2016.