BHOS celebrates 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) was celebrated at Baku Higher Oil School.

BHOS management, professors, administrative staff and students were pleased to welcome Isa Habibbayli, ANAS vice-president, academician and meritorious scholar on this occasion.

Underlying that 70 years had passed since the establishment of ANAS, the supreme scientific structure of the country, BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov heartily congratulated the ANAS management, members and scientists on this remarkable occasion on behalf of BHOS.

Gasimov talked about the glorious history of the academy and the great role it played in development of science as a national value, education of highly qualified specialists and generation of scientific intellectuals of Azerbaijan.

The rector said that since the period of regaining independence, the government of the country constantly drew attention to development of all spheres of life mainly focusing on science.

He underlined that during the presidency of the National Leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev the strategy directed to development of science began to be implemented adding that Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, who successfully continued implementation of the said strategy signed the order in 2014 on Celebration of the 70 years anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

At the same time Gasimov particularly pointed out the role of ANAS in strengthening the statehood of Azerbaijan and the contribution it made in social and economic progress of the society. BHOS rector wished the ANAS members every success and outstanding achievements in future.

ANAS Vice-President Acad. Isa Habibbayli extended his gratitude to BHOS management for their special attention and the initiative to hold this important event.

He briefed on the extensive activities, development and achievements of ANAS, the institution established with the view of increasing the research quality in Azerbaijan, as well as improving the efficiency of research centers, within the last seventy years.

Talking about the government care to the development of ANAS he recalled the National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s historically valuable decree as of 2001, to rename the Azerbaijan Academy of Science into the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science emphasising that this document, as well as another decree issued in 2003 set up a legal basis for further comprehensive development of the Academy having an influence on broadening the scope of the research activities and ensuring its sustainability.

Habibbayli extended his congratulations to all scholars and scientists on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of ANAS wishing them new achievements in their professional endeavours.

The ANAS representatives participating in the meeting also shared their impressions and views about various activities and success of the Academy extending their gratitude to BHOS management for arranging this ceremonial event.

In conclusion of the meeting the documentary movie demonstrating 70 years history of ANAS was shown.