Today's daily horoscope for Monday 2 November 2015

Aries today horoscope 2 NovemberAries Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The morning hours of the day are favorable for researching, studying, taking short trips and communicating with distant contacts. The second half of the day overall is geared towards more business-like activities and processes. However, you'll find it hard to get rid of strong emotions now.

Taurus today horoscope 2 NovemberTaurus Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The first half of the day is most suitable for interacting with your immediate social circle who share the same material interests as you. Try to wrap up the conversation by midday and avoid raising too many burning questions.

Gemini today horoscope 2 NovemberGemini Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The morning and early afternoon hours of November 2, 2015 are good for completing current tasks and parting with useless illusions. If saying good-bye to someone (e.g., your friend who is leaving for some distant land) falls on this half of the day, you will deal with it quite well. In the afternoon you'll have to focus on your responsibilities for higher authorities.

Cancer today horoscope 2 NovemberCancer Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The day is fraught with emotional stress for those of you first and foremost who happen to have been born in June. You are advised to be as energetic and active in the morning as possible in order to do away with the responsibilities which do not imply a dialogue, partnership cooperation and one-on-one interaction. The second half of the day may result in escalating tension with your family or in marriage.

Leo today horoscope 2 NovemberLeo Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The first half of the day will prove the most comfortable and psychologically favorable for Leo. If you are born around August 20, you will be especially well-spoken, sociable and full of creative ideas. The second half of the day will focus your attention on family relations.

Virgo today horoscope 2 NovemberVirgo Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The morning may be marked by dreaminess, comfortable time spending or solitude within your home. Now is a good time for you to complete the projects which you prefer to have shielded from outsiders. In the 2nd half of the day you will be in a more business-like frame of mind.

Libra today horoscope 2 NovemberLibra Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
Up until afternoon the Scales may afford being indecisive and hesitant; you may take your sweet time to ponder brilliant creative ideas and socialize with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The later afternoon will take this carefree freedom away from you.

Scorpio today horoscope 2 NovemberScorpio Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
This is not the best time for filing your international passport application or submitting visa or invitation paperwork. However, your passionate desire for expanding your horizons will keep pushing you to act. The second half of the day is more suitable for official contacts while the morning is favorable for informal communication.

Sagittarius today horoscope 2 NovemberSagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:

Sagittarius' activeness and communicability may prove a perfect catalyst of events in the morning of November 2, 2015. The closer to December 20 your birthday is, the more influence you seem to have on people's opinions.

Capricorn today horoscope 2 NovemberCapricorn Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
The first half of the day is suitable for such activities as education, self-studying, resolving confidential issues as well as discussing/analyzing financial problems, creative ideas and problem solving. Closer to the evening your personal needs will crush into someone else's preferences and interests.

Aquarius today horoscope 2 NovemberAquarius Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
Today's dialogues will be rather emotional. Much will depend on you personally in the 1st half of the day. Friendliness and optimism will allow you to be more forgiving and generous towards your interlocutor even if complete openness and sincerity have not been established yet.

Pisces today horoscope 2 NovemberPisces Daily Horoscope for Today 2 November 2015:
This Monday emphasizes your innate emotionality -much of what you say or do may be prompted by your feelings and impressions. Choose the first half of the day for handling tasks and enjoying active communication with people. In the later hours of the day love, creativity and sensuality will become your focus.