Follow steps to join Booktrailer Festival

The accepting of application forms for the third Booktrailer Festival is underway.

Here are necessary steps that should be followed to participate in the festival:

Here are necessary steps that should be followed to participate in the festival:

1. Registration

Go to the website and click at the link “Qeydiyyat!” to pass registration.

2. Chose favorite book

Chose video format. Video can be shot with actors or without actors, as well as animation (cartoons).

3. Select the most vivid moments of the book and create a script for the trailer. Don’t` forget that success of your book trailer strongly depends on your script.

4. Shot booktrailer based on script

During filming, you can use any technique, even you can use smartphones, which have cameras with minimum resolution 1080p Full HD (1920x1080).

5. Mound the video

Carefully read and observe the requirements on the trailer, published on festival's website. Timing: max. 3 minutes.

6. Add music

Be careful while choosing music for your video. It shouldn't violate copyrights.

7. Send your Booktrailer

Send your bookrider via to before April 8, 2018.

8. Register your booktrailer and get a chance to become a winner

Fill out all the necessary data by clicking on the "Buktreylerin Qeydiyyatı" link at the festival's website

Booktrailers are short videos that promote a book or an author, providing a good illustration of the book content. Book trailers are a form of advertising for a book. Produced by publishers, and sometimes authors themselves, they are tools to pique interest in the novel and raise their popularity.

The festival, which takes place under the slogan "Promote a book, get promoted with a book!" is timed to the World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day, held annually on April 23.

Supported by Azerbaijan's Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the festival was successfully held in 2016 for the first time in the country.

The third Booktrailer Festival will be supported by Azercell and Libraff companies.

The first place will get a prize in the amount of 1,000 manats, while the winners of the second and third places 800 manats and 500 manats, respectively.

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